


IRATA is pleased to announce the release of its newly updated Incident Reporting Form [FM-021ENG] and associated guidance document, implemented to refine the reporting process and make it easier for members to report incidents.

Members can access the reporting portal in the members’ area through the existing ‘Incident Reporting’ button.

Key guidance is now embedded within the online form, while more detailed information is available in the ‘Guidance to IRATA Incident Reporting’ [GU-265ENG].

Some notable changes to reporting categories for “Incident circumstance” (On rope, Training, Other), “Level assessed to”, and “Injury type” have been made to address gaps that were identified through review of historical reports.

The Work and Safety Statistics Returns will be brought in line with the changes that have been implemented, effective from April 1st, 2024, when the collection of data for Q1 2024 begins. More information will be released toward the end of Q1.

We hope that these updates will foster a more precise and effective incident reporting system for our members, ultimately contributing to a safer working environment. Your reports are for informational and educational purposes, forming the basis for our Safety Bulletins and Topic Sheets, as well as providing the vital data for our industry recognised annual WASA report.

For any inquiries or clarifications, please reach out to incidents@irata.org.