


An IRATA Assessor arrived at a member’s training venue to conduct an assessment whilst under the influence of alcohol. The training venue management determined that he was in no fit state to conduct the assessment and therefore cancelled the planned assessment.

The Assessor admitted his wrongdoing, claiming that his dysfunctional state was caused by alcohol consumed at a party the night preceding the assessment, which extended into the early morning hours. It was further claimed that his condition deteriorated due to dehydration and sleep deprivation.

The IRATA adjudicating panel concluded:

arriving at an assessment inebriated to the extent that the Assessor could not undertake the assessment, is in no way mitigated by the Respondent’s claim that his alcohol consumption at a party the night before his scheduled assessment, which went into the early hours, dehydration and lack of sleep, gave rise to his dysfunctional state. The Panel felt that such claims merely emphasised the Assessor’s lack of professionalism and scant regard for the reputation of the member company and IRATA.”

Despite the Respondent’s forthcoming admission of his wrongdoing, the Panel determined that the severity of the infringement left the Panel with no alternative but to indefinitely withdraw the Respondent’s status as an IRATA Assessor, with immediate effect.


Substantiated cases related the performance of rope access activities whilst under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances will be treated with the upmost severity. The potential risk for harm to self and others cannot be overstated