Our IRATA South East Asia and Far East (SEA & FE) RAC meeting 2018 and an Assessor & Instructors’ workshop were held on 2 November in Banchang, Thailand. The event was kindly hosted by one of our local members, Dacon Inspection Services Co., Ltd.
With a total of over seventy attendees, this event once again proved to be immensely popular with full support from the region, demonstrated through the diversity of industry sectors represented by our esteemed guests and exhibitors.
The SEA & FE RAC meeting commenced in the morning with a warm welcome from the host and our SEA & FE RAC Chair. The event kicked off with a summary update on regional developments, followed by IRATA presentations with informative updates by our SEA & FE RAC Chair on behalf of our Association’s Chairman, General Manager, Quality Manager and the respective committees’ Chairs. This informative agenda was well received by an attentive audience and offered the opportunity for both questions to be raised and group discussions to be held.
The meeting was followed by a delightful lunch at the venue, which was kindly organised and provided by the host. The event ran on with our structured Assessor & Instructors’ workshop throughout the afternoon.
As the SEA & FE RAC Chair and on behalf of the region’s members, I would like to express my gratitude to both our hosting company and all attendees for making this event such a resounding success.
Barri Marshall
IRATA Vice-Chairman and SEA & FE RAC Chair
