
Complaint Judgement - Fraudulent Impersonation en


It was alleged by an IRATA Level 3 technician [Complainant] that another IRATA Level 3 [Respondent] fraudulently impersonated him by signing technician logbooks entries using the name of the Complainant.

Upon inspection of the respondent’s IRATA certification record it transpired that the alleged fraudulent conduct took place during a period when the respondent was not holding valid IRATA certificate.

In response to the allegations, the respondent admitted carrying out the infringement of fraudulent conduct and undertaking rope access activities whilst expired.

The adjudicating panel made the following determination:

“The Panel note the respondent’s admission of carrying out the alleged infringement, however, it must be stressed that impersonation of another person’s identity constitutes a breach that bears serious implications. Additionally, the Panel also note that the breach occurred during a period of time when the respondent was not holding valid IRATA certification. Despite this, the respondent continued to undertake rope access activities, thereby further breaching IRATA policy.

In view of the severity of the aforementioned offences, the Panel determined that the respondent’s IRATA certificate shall be withdrawn for a period of three years, after which time re-certification at the current level will be subject to a successful completion of an IRATA training course and passing the assessment in accordance with the ‘Training Assessment and Certification Scheme’. The respondent is reminded that such repeat offence may result in permanent withdrawal of IRATA certification.”

In accordance with the sanction applied, the technician was required to return their IRATA certification, ID card and logbook to the IRATA Head Office without delay. Despite this, the technician failed to comply with the above requirement and did not submit the required documents to IRATA as instructed.


Never sign logbook entries on behalf of another technician, even if the signatory gives you their permission to do so. Apart from being dishonest, misuse of logbooks is considered a serious offence.