RASS Training Provider en

Applications are open to Full IRATA Operator and/or Full IRATA Trainer members.

To apply, please familiarise yourself with the information below, log in to the IRATA members area, and navigate to the RASS Training Provider (RTP) application form on the dashboard.

Please see the documents below for further information on becoming an RTP. The documents are available for download here or by clicking on the titles below.

  • IRATA Rope Access Safety Supervisor Training, Assessment and Certification Scheme ‘IRATA RASSTACS’ [TC-401]:
    This document provides training and procedural information and includes the learning objectives and syllabus requirements for this certification scheme. This is the primary reference for those planning to create, deliver, or attend RASS training.
  • RASS Training Provider Application Guide [GU-402]:
    This document provides information and guidance for applicants on the requirements and procedures to become an RTP. You are encouraged to read this prior to starting an application.
  • IRATA RASS Learning Material Audit Checklist [FM-373ENG]:
    The audit checklist is provided as guidance for RTPs for the development of course learning material and an audit tool to check compliance to the requirements. It may be used in conjunction with the ‘IRATA RASSTACS’ [TC-401] and the listed documents and templates to ensure all learning objectives are met during training.
  • RASS Theory Examination References [GU-455]:
    This document provides the learning material references upon which the online theory examination questions are based. These references may assist RTPs and candidates in identifying specific learning objectives or knowledge gaps.
  • RASS Training Risk Assessment Template [TP-404]:
    This template is provided as an example for RTPs and candidates to use when training or learning to perform risk assessments and amending existing risk assessments on-site. Other formats and templates may be used for training and exercises, provided they meet the requirements and processes documented in the ICOP [TC-102] Annex A - Risk Assessment.
  • Industrial Rope Access Rescue Plan Template [TP-374]:
    This template is provided as an example for RTPs and candidates to use when training or learning how to document changes to rescue plans. While RASS candidates should be able to create a rescue plan already, this template can be used as a learning aid in teaching candidates to document amendments during operations.
  • RASS Training Pre-Work Briefing Template [TP-375]:
    This template is provided as an example for RTPs and candidates to use when training or learning about the discussions and pre-use checks that should be conducted prior to work commencing or when conditions change.