Earlier this year, our North Sea Operators RAC Chair travelled to Africa to host a preliminary meeting to initiate the formation of a new IRATA Regional Advisory Committee (RAC) which will be known as the Sub-Sahara RAC.
IRATA Member company representatives from Ghana, Cote de Ivor, Nigeria, and Mozambique were in attendance, as well as the Health and Safety Executive of the Ghanaian Petroleum Commission. Key IRATA staff from IRATA Head Office joined the event remotely. The meeting was a great success and IRATA would like to express their gratitude to all attendees who organised and travelled to attend the event.
The South Africa RAC will now be known as the Southern Africa RAC and will extend beyond South Africa to border the Sub-Saharan belt of the African continent.

We look forward to both RACs establishing their new and extended committees and anticipate a prosperous and active region.